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SPARK lab. From scientific publications to meetings, collaborations

and other juicy stuff


Recently, we have published 2 new articles in the framework of our European Project 'NeurostimSpinal'.

The article 'Customizing 3D Structures of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Direct Neural Stem Cell Differentiation' has been published in June 2023 on Advanced Health Materials (IF = 10) and can be accessed on:

Nascimento L, Fernandes C, Silva RM, Semitela A, de Sousa BM, Marques PAAP, Vieira SI, Silva RF, Barroca N, Gonçalves G. (2023) 'Customizing 3D Structures of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Direct Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2300828. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202300828

Another article, entitled 'Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering' has been published in September 2023 on the Chemical Engineering Journal (IF = 15.1) and can found at:

Silva D, Barroca N, Pinto SC, Semitela A, de Sousa BM, Martins PAD, Nero L, Madarieta I, García-Urkia N, Fernández-San-Argimiro FJ, Garcia-Lizarribar A, Murua O, Olalde B, Bdikin I, Vieira SI & Marques PAAP. (2023) Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal. 472, 144980. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.144980

  • Writer's pictureSpark Lab Vieira

Two members of the Spark Lab team – Bruna Cruz and José Gabriel Figueiredo - have been granted a scholarship from the ‘2023 Call for PhD Studentships’ funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).

Bruna’s workplan focuses on the characterization of new candidate neuroregenerative targets for the treatment of spinal cord injuries (SCIs). Leveraging the promising results from our previous FCT-funded GoBack project, the goal is to identify early-regulated genes able to trigger robust neuroregenerative programs and assess their potential for clinical translation. Bruna’s PhD research work will be mainly conducted at the Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED) of the University of Aveiro, supervised by Dr. Sandra Vieira (Spark Lab’s PI) and co-supervised by Dr. Frank Bosse from Heinrich-Heine University (Dusseldorf, Germany) and Dr. Stephane Belin from the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences (GIN, France). Ref: 2023.03623.BD

José Gabriel’s thesis will address the characterization of brain information transfer dynamics and neurorehabilitation effects of a brain-machine interface (BMI) intervention in SCI patients. It is intended to monitor the cortical activity of healthy and SCI participants subjected to a BMI protocol - consisting on the control of an avatar through motor imagery in an immersive virtual reality environment - and assess the eventual occurrence of neuroplasticity, relating these measurements with SCI-related markers and clinical evolution. This work will be jointly supervised by Dr. Miguel Santos Pais Vieira (iBiMED, University of Aveiro) and Dr. Sandra Vieira. Ref: 2023.02051.BD

Congratulations, Bruna and José Gabriel!

On 30th May to 2nd of June our research group was involved in the organization of the first edition of the Workshop on Histology applied to Biomedicine, a joint iniciative between our Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED), the Aveiro Institute of Materials (CICECO) and the Association for Professional Training and Research (UNAVE) of the University of Aveiro.

This workshop aimed to provide theoretical and practical basis for the preparation and histological analysis of various tissues (histochemistry), with insights into their application, both in diagnosis and biomedical research. The event took place at the Department of Medical Sciences of the University of Aveiro and counted with the presence of 10 participants.

Our PI, Dr. Sandra Vieira, was one of the scientific-pedagogical coordinators of the workshop, together with Dr. Luísa Helguero (iBiMED) and Dr. Maria de Lourdes (CICECO). Besides, our PhD students, Bárbara Sousa and Patrícia Correia, gave their contribution to the event as trainers.

For further details on the Workshop on Histology applied to Biomedicine you can consult the official webpage:

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