It is a great pleasure to share our results, which have been published in a number of multidisciplinary or renowned journals
of the fields

Silva D, Barroca N, Pinto SC, Semitela A, Martins PAD, Nero L, Madarieta I, García-Urkia N, Fernández-San-Argimiro FJ, Garcia-Lizarribar A, Murua O, Olalde B, Bdikin I, Vieira SI & Marques PAAP. (2023) Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal. 472, 144980. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.144980
Martins SA, Correia PD, Dias RA, da Cruz e Silva OAB, Vieira SI. (2019) CD81 Promotes a Migratory Phenotype in Neuronal-Like Cells. Microsc. Microanal. 25(1):229-235 DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618015532.
Marote A, Barroca N, Vitorino R, Silva RM, Fernandes MHV, Vilarinho PM, da Cruz e Silva OAB, Vieira SI. (2016) A proteomic analysis of the interactions between poly(L-Lactic Acid) nanofibers and SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells. AIMS Molecular Science (special issue: Cells Signalling and Signal Transduction). 3(4):661-682.
​DOI: 10.3934/molsci.2016.4.661.
Resende M & Vieira SI. (2012) G Proteins in Signal Transduction. In Fardilha M, Conde M, da Cruz e Silva OAB, The eSSential on Signal Transduction / O eSSensial em Sinalização Celular (p. 94-129), Aveiro: “Ed Biologicando”, Dept. Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro & Edições Afrontamento. ISBN: 9789723612530 (book chapter available upon request to SI Vieira).
Vieira SI, Rebelo S, Esselmann H, Wiltfang J, Lah J, Lane R, Small SA, Gandy S, da Cruz e Silva EF, da Cruz e Silva OAB. (2010) Retrieval of the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein from the endosome to the TGN is S655 phosphorylation state-dependent and retromer-mediated. Mol. Neurodegener. 5:40.
DOI: 10.1186/1750-1326-5-40.
da Cruz e Silva OAB, Rebelo S, Vieira SI, Gandy S, da Cruz e Silva EF, Greengard P. (2009) Enhanced generation of Alzheimer’s amyloid- beta following chronic exposure to phorbol ester correlates with differential effects on alpha and epsilon isozymes of protein kinase C. J. Neurochem. 108:319-330. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2008.05770.x

Soares dos Santos MP, Coutinho J, Marote A, Sousa B, Ramos A, Ferreira JAF, Bernardo R, Rodrigues A, Marques AT, da Cruz e Silva OAB, Furlani EP, Simões JAO, Vieira SI. (2019) Capacitive technologies for highly controlled and personalized electrical stimulation by implantable biomedical systems. Scientific Reports. 9, 5001. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-41540-3.
Marques C, Perera FH, Marote A, Ferreira S, Vieira SI, Olhero S, Miranda P, Ferreira JMF. (2016) Biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds fabricated by direct write assembly: mechanical, anti-microbial and osteoblastic properties. J European Ceramic Society. 37(1):359–368.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.08.018

Gouveia M, Schmidt C, Basilio PG, Aveiro SS, Domingues P, Xia K, Colón W, Vitorino R, Ferreira R, Santos M, Vieira SI*, Ribeiro F*. (2023) Exercise training decreases the load and changes the content of circulating SDS-resistant protein aggregates in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Mol Cell Biochem. DOI:10.1007/s11010-023-04884-z
Gouveia M, Schmidt C, Teixeira M, Lopes M, Aveiro SS, Domingues P, Xia K, Colón W, Vitorino R, Ferreira R, Santos M, Vieira S, Ribeiro F. (2022) Characterization of Plasma SDS-Protein Aggregation Profile of Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. J Cardiovasc Transl Res.
DOI: 10.1007/s12265-022-10334-w.
Santos CIM, Rodríguez-Pérez L, Gonçalves G, Dias CJ, Monteiro F, Faustino M do AF, Vieira SI, Helguero LA, Herranz MÁ, Martin N, Neves MGPMS, Martinho JMG, Maçõas EMS. (2021) Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy Effects of Graphene Quantum Dots Conjugated With Aminoporphyrins. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 4(12):13079–89. DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02600.
Teixeira M, Gouveia M, Duarte A, Ferreira M, Simões IM, Conceição M, Silva G, Magalhães S, Ferreira R, Nunes A, Vieira SI, Ribeiro F. (2019) Regular exercise participation contributes to better proteostasis, inflammatory and vasoactive profiles in patients with hypertension. Am J Hypertension. 33(2):119-123
DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpz160.
Gomes C, Oliveira F, Vieira SI, Duque AS. (2019) Prospects for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins and peptides in plants: special focus on angiotensin I–converting enzyme inhibitory (ACEI) peptides. (pp.27); In Genetic Engineering, INTECHOPEN, Prof. Farruhk Jamal Ed. ISBN 978-953-953-51-7062-4.
Santos CIM, Gonçalves G, Cicuéndez M, Mariz I, Silva VS, Oliveira H, Campos F, Vieira SI, Marques PAAP, Maçôas EMS, Neves MGPMS, Martinho JMG. (2018) Biocompatible hybrids based on nanographene oxide covalently linked to glycolporphyrins: Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation. Carbon 135:202-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.04.040.
National & International

Patents on “PKMYT1 for use in regenerative medicine”:
International (EU) patent application no. EP22203135.3, submitted to the European Patent Office (EPO) at 2022.10.21.
National (PT) patent application no. 118269, published by to the Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) at 2024.04.22.​
Patents on Fluorescent compounds, production methods and uses thereof (fluorescent probes for lipid aggregates, for cell-based high-content screening):
International patent EP3445348 (A1), published at 2019-02-27.
International patent WO/2017/182945 A1, published at 2017.10.26.
National patent PT109330 (A), published at 2017.10.18 in ‘Boletim da Propriedade Industrial nr 203/2017’.