Recently, we have published 2 new articles in the framework of our European Project 'NeurostimSpinal'.

The article 'Customizing 3D Structures of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Direct Neural Stem Cell Differentiation' has been published in June 2023 on Advanced Health Materials (IF = 10) and can be accessed on:
Nascimento L, Fernandes C, Silva RM, Semitela A, de Sousa BM, Marques PAAP, Vieira SI, Silva RF, Barroca N, Gonçalves G. (2023) 'Customizing 3D Structures of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes to Direct Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2300828. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202300828

Another article, entitled 'Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering' has been published in September 2023 on the Chemical Engineering Journal (IF = 15.1) and can found at:
Silva D, Barroca N, Pinto SC, Semitela A, de Sousa BM, Martins PAD, Nero L, Madarieta I, García-Urkia N, Fernández-San-Argimiro FJ, Garcia-Lizarribar A, Murua O, Olalde B, Bdikin I, Vieira SI & Marques PAAP. (2023) Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal. 472, 144980. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.144980